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·225 words·2 mins
Isaiah Sugar
Isaiah Sugar
weird computer art guy. if found, please return to his place of residence

Playing Chyss with your weird uncle.


direct download for macos, linux, windows
source code on github
mirrored builds on github


move pieces by clicking on them
move the camera with the W and S keys on the keyboard


  • Pawn
    • can move forward a single square at a time
    • attacks pieces any distance behind it
    • can jump forward over a single piece
  • Bishop
    • can move any distance diagonally, and can attack pieces in its path
  • Rock

  • Top Hat
    • can move to any square in a circle
  • Frog
    • can move to any square in a bigger circle
  • Wheel
    • can be pushed on its side, and stood up in any direction
    • rolls over any pieces in its path
  • Checker
    • behaves like in normal checkers
    • if it reaches the opposite side of the board, it will be ‘kinged’, and gain the ability to move backwards
    • The game is won by taking your opponent’s checker
  • Shape-shifter
    • becomes a different piece each turn
  • Sorcerer
    • can move to a random square each turn


Programming by Abby Smith
3d modeling by Isaiah Sugar
made with Godot game engine

assets used:
frog model based on a scan by /
boulder texture from russel wils on wikimedia commons
sky image from Linda Fletcher on wikimedia commons
leaf texture from Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz on wikimedia commons